Our largest US provider terminated our services today due to a breach in terms of service resulting out of a client performing illegal activities on the system. We remind everyone that they must abide by all laws that are application for the location of their server, as well as any that maybe applicable as a result of their usage.

Fortunately only a small percentage of Xitheon servers operated in the US, however this situation has caused several issues in our flow due to it's unforseen nature and abruptness, including the loss of 6 most recent user registrations. Servers ordered by new users are still available and online however the user will need to re-register and open a support ticket so that we can attach the instance to their new Xitheon account.

If you registered before October 25th, 2021 you have not been affected at all.

If you registered after October 25th, 2021 there is a small chance your account has been lost entirely, please open a ticket so we can re-connect your services.

If your server was located in the US it has been terminated entirely. 

If your server is not located in the US you are good.


A process for refunds will be outlined in the next update.


Thank you for your patience,



Saturday, November 6, 2021

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